Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Putting a face to the name...

We finally settled on our son's name this month...it's Tristan Cullen! I was originally against having a middle name, but I realized he just HAD to have some part of Twilight in his name. It just wouldn't be right if we didn't since the Twilight Series has been a huge part of our lives during this pregnancy...it brought me an the hubby closer together, our fansite TwilightersAnonymous.com has blown up, we met Taylor Lautner and T.C. kicked up a storm at all the commotion at the Twilight Premier!

While settling on a name was very exciting, we were even more thrilled when we decided to go in for some 4D video & pictures and get a glimpse of what Tristan will look like. We had this done during the holidays so that both of our immediate families could participate and see the images on big screen. Here's a selection of my favorite pictures:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Bump #3

I was originally planning to post these very 4 weeks, but I got so busy I forgot to do it at 20 weeks. Since 2 months have passed instead of just one...at least this time you guys will see a difference in the pictures!

It seems like my belly came out of nowhere. At 20 weeks, still nothing, then suddenly at 22 weeks I started showing more. Then at 24 weeks, there was no mistaking that I was pregnant. Although it's an adjustment being bigger, it's nice to finally "feel" pregnant by showing and by the regular kicks I've been getting.


Starting measurements on July 17, 2008 (day we found out)
WEIGHT: 110.2 lbs
WAIST: 26 inches



Gain as of November 22, 2008
WEIGHT: 16 lbs


Anyways sorry for posting these late, I'm actually already at 26 weeks. It'll be interesting to post my 28 weeks pictures since I'm already much bigger than these pictures. I finally had to borrow and purchase pregnancy pants. That's been an experience, they're not the most comfortable things, but at least you don't have to worry about zipping and buttoning your pants!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Twilight Movie Review

The Good, the Bad and the Steamy

It was 6 p.m. on Thursday night when we first got reports that fans were already lined up to watch the premiere in Arizona. I was shocked and wondered if the same could be happening here. Sure enough, we drove by our local theater and fans were indeed camping out. I was stumped, how can this be? Didn't they already buy their tickets? Is there someone from the cast showing up that I didn't know about? It seems I simply underestimated the devotion of the fans once again. If they are willing to show up 7 am on a Sunday to see the cast at the LA premier at 5:30 pm on Monday, why wouldn't they wait a measly 6 hours to get prime seating to watch the movie they have all been anxiously awaiting? And so what if it's cold, in the wee hours of the morning on a school night?

It seemed to be all worth though it for the young girls who were giddy and swooning as we left the movie theater. I almost wished to be that age again and just revel in how much easier it is to be pleased back then. But I'm 31 and if I were a teacher, I would have to give the movie a B+.

Don't get me wrong, I enjoyed the movie. I squeed, laughed, and sighed happily during a lot of it. I always enjoy seeing a book I love come to life on screen. There's just something about seeing a book visually. I've learned a long time ago to not expect too much with books made into movies. I will be thoroughly surprised if I ever see an adapted movie turn out as good as the book. But back to the movie... I liked the modern adaptation of dialogue in the the movie and I also thought the humans were well portrayed, particularly Charlie & Jessica. I have never seen Taylor act before this movie, so I was nervous since I had seen many people say he can't act. But I thought he did well and that last scene where he exchanged glances with Edward makes me eager to see more in future movies. I thought a lot of scenes were well executed, like when Bella was seeing bits & pieces of what was happening while she was being poisoned by the venom, when Bella & Edward first showed up to school together, and I also loved how they did the scene where Mike is talking to Bella and all she sees is him blurred and Edward clearly behind him. If only more scenes could have been as cleverly portrayed.

Considering the small budget & early bad reviews I was already not expecting much going into the movie. But I was still caught off guard by the tone as the movie began. Raise your hand if you loved the latest trailer for this movie! Why was the movie not as well compiled or the music better implemented into the editing as the trailer? Important scenes seemed comical and the background music throughout most of the movie was so ill fitting and did not capture the mystery, the intensity, and the angst of Bella & Edward's developing relationship. The music sounded terribly dated and affected my mood in several key scenes. I hoped to be more emotionally moved, but just didn't get there, especially with the meadow scene, which I thought lacked a lot. I also heartily agree with those who already said that there was some over acting, some bad acting (I was particularly disappointed with Kellan), certain scenes that could've been done better (biology!) and that some book lines did not translate well at all on screen. But what bothered me the most besides that the background music was the underuse and lack of dialogue of the other Cullens!

I suppose they wanted to put a lot of focus on Bella and Edward, literally, since they had so many close up scenes. Fortunately, Rob and Kristen had great chemistry, and even though certain things were overdone, they are both just so watchable. Kristen's line deliveries and mannerisms were very Bella and Rob's glances and mouth twitches, coupled with some husky delivered phrases did not disappoint. And that kissing scene...SHIVERS! Yah, I am so not one to quote Paris Hilton of all people, but "that was hot!"

I look forward to seeing this movie again. I think I'll definitely enjoy it more with less people around who may laugh at inappropriate scenes. I'm already replaying certain scenes in my head. I think a lot of us today will be still wrapped up in the movie, whether we're reading or writing reviews, or simply daydreaming ourselves in certain scenes with Rob. And since it was a school/work night last night expect to see a rise in the female population showing up late, calling in sick, or deeply distracted with a smile on their face.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sweet Vibrations

Yesterday we had a doctor appointment and we're happy to report that the baby's doing good. We were so concerned up until that point because of the late nights and stress we've been undergoing. What a relief to hear his heart beat and have the doctor tell us that I'm progressing well! My weight gain was on the lower range, but all within normal. He told us the baby is about 1 lb and stretched out he would be 11-12 inches!

We had also been concerned about the baby moving and talked to the doctor about this. With his help we discovered that we've been feeling the baby move all this time! What I thought had been digestion was actually the baby, since the doctor pointed out that my stomach had been moved to above my belly button. I was so overjoyed that the waves and bumps I've been feeling was our little boy. The doctor also told us that a good time to feel movement is after a meal...and almost to reassure us, after lunch that day, we felt several strong nudges from him!

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Wishful Thinking

It's been four months since I surprised Vince with the news that I was pregnant. You've all seen the video (if not, CLICK HERE) and here's a picture of the very pacifier that stumped him!

I just happened upon it a couple of days ago. I had it stashed in a drawer and hadn't thought of it since that day. I remember back when I was buying it, it took me a little while because I was debating on whether to get the blue or the pink. Well I guess it was wishful thinking granted because I bought the blue one!

It hit me all over again that we're having son and I got tears in my eyes. I now see what they mean about how emotional you get when you're pregnant. I am so excited and can't wait until we share his name!

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Letter From Pregnant Women

Here's a great letter a friend sent to me! I'm sure some of you who have been pregnant at some point may appreciate this...


Dear Non-Pregnant Person,

1) The appropriate response to a couple telling you they are having a baby is 'Congratulations!' with enthusiasm. Any other response makes you rude.

2) Through the wonders of science, we now know that babies are made ONLY by the mother and father- not grandparents. Unless the baby is in your uterus or you are the man that helped put it there, you may not ever use the phrase 'my baby'.

3) On the same note, unless you made the baby as defined in 2, the pregnancy, birth and raising of the child are not about you. You do not have input. No one wants to hear your opinion unless they ask for it.

4) The body of a pregnant women should be treated the same as any other body. You would not randomly touch someone's stomach if they were not pregnant, nor would you inquire into the condition of their uterus, cervix or how they plan to use their breasts. Pregnancy does not remove all traces of privacy from a woman.

5) Likewise, no woman wants to hear comments on her weight- ever. A pregnant woman does not find it flattering that you think she is about is pop, must be having twins, looks swollen or has gained weight in her face. Telling her she looks too small only makes her worry that she is somehow starving her baby. Making such comments invite her to critique your physical appearance and you may not act offended. The only acceptable comment on appearance is 'You look fabulous!'.

6) By the time we are 20-30 years old, most of us have picked up on the fact that the summer is hot. We are hot every summer when we are not pregnant. We don't need you to point out that we will be miserably hot before the baby comes.

7) There is a reason that tickets to Labor&Delivery are not yet sold on Ticketmaster. Childbirth is actually not a public event. It may sound crazy, but some women really do not relish the idea of their mother, mother-in-law or a host of other family members seeing their bare butt and genitals. Also, some people simply feel like the birth of their child is a private and emotional moment to be shared only by the parents.

8) Like everything else is life, unless you receive an invitation, you are NOT invited. This includes doctor appointments, ultrasounds, labor, delivery, the hospital and the parents home. You do not decide if you will be there for the birth or if you will move in with the new parents to 'help out'. If your assistance is desired, rest assured that you will be asked for it.

9) If you are asked to help after the birth, this means you should clean up the house, help with cooking meals, and generally stay out of the way. Holding the baby more than the parents, interfering with breastfeeding and sleeping schedules and making a woman who is still leaking fluid from multiple locations lift a finger in housework is not helping.

10) The only people entitled to time with the baby are the parents. Whether they choose to have you at the hospital for the birth or ask for you to wait three weeks to visit, appreciate that you are are being given the privilege of seeing their child. Complaining or showing disappointment only encourages the parents to include you less. I hope this helps- it sure makes us feel better.

All Pregnant Women

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The news we've been waiting for!

Today was our ultrasound and 3rd baby appointment. As usual I mentally ran through my head all the questions I had for the appointments, such as whether flu shots were okay and when my due date was...but mostly my thoughts were consumed with finding out what we were having. It's something that has been lingering intensely on mine and the hubby's mind, especially the last couple days. We were both nervous and anxious to find out if everything looked normal and to finally know what we were having.

My nerves must have really gotten to me today, because as I laid down and the technician prepared me for the ultrasound she asked me a question when my mind was elsewhere. She asked me "What's your birth date?" Without thinking I sadly said "I don't know, no one ever told me." She looked at me oddly and said "Wow, I've never heard that response before" My hubby shook his head and tried to restrain his laugh as he said "No, she's not asking for the baby's birth date, she means what's your birth date." I was so embarrassed! But it was such a relief to laugh about it since I was just so glad that this day was here.

It wasn't long before we could see how much more developed the baby was. It was so amazing! And I began to tear up seeing the spine, marveling at the hands moving up to it's face, and then mistaking it's stomach for it's head. Soon the technician found the angle the made it clear that we were having...a boy!

without a doubt!

front view

baby's profile

arms, fingers, legs and toes!

As we wrapped up the appointment he began to hiccup...and it was so cute that tears welled up again. As amazing as that was, it wasn't the biggest moment for me...it was after we finished up with the doctor, who told us the ultrasound showed that everything looked normal. We were walking to the car and I was holding my stomach...the hubby was referring to the baby as our boy and I said "Our son" and we both stopped and looked at each other. We were in such awe and I felt so God blessed that I really began to cry.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Bump #2

It's true what they say that second trimester is better! So much less nausea and pain. The headaches are still brutal though when they do come around and I do still get tired more easily, but I'm much more adapted to my body changing now.

It's still difficult though...on some days my hormones do make me a little more foolishly sensitive. I've been noticing lately that when I sit down, especially on the couch, my belly looks so much bigger. So the other night, the hubby and I were on the couch and I lifted up my shirt to look at my belly. The hubby looked over and laughed! He was actually overwhelmingly enthused that you could see the growth of my pregnancy. But at the time I was thinking "How dare you laugh at your pregnant wife who has been struggling with her weight gain!" I soon realized that it wasn't a big deal and I should be used to his candid reactions by now!


Starting measurements on July 17, 2008 (day we found out)
WEIGHT: 110.2 lbs
WAIST: 26 inches



Gain as of October 7, 2008
WEIGHT: 5.6 lbs
WAIST: 2.5 inches


Now that we're at 16 weeks, I've been anxiously awaiting two things:

First, to feel the baby move, which can happen between 16-18 weeks. There are days when I hardly believe that I'm pregnant...and I just know that feeling that movement will confirm it more for me.

Second, to find out if we're having a Renesmee or Carlie (Yes, another Twilght reference..lol) Less than one week and we should know! Yes, we all just want a healthy baby, but just for fun, do you guys have your guesses or wishes on what it will be? I for one am hoping for a boy, but have a feeling that it's a girl!

We'll post it when we find out!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Video of Baby at 15 Weeks

According to the doctor I'm at 15 weeks now. I've been so curious as to what the baby looks like. I know that the baby is about 4 inches and about the size of a small tomato. Apparently I might also start to feel "fluttering" soon since the baby is supposed to be moving around a lot at this time. Here's a video I found to give you an idea.


So far my diet hasn't changed too much, I still eat healthy and have to have at least 1-2 fresh fruit a day. At first the only craving I would get was for comfort food like Kare Kare. Lately though I have been nuts for Maui Onion Chips!

Is it the lack of carbs and salt in my diet? Or just my longing to go to the islands? Who knows? All I know is that it's always on our grocery list!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Baby's Heartbeat

Yesterday was our second doctor's appointment. We met with the other doctor who could be delivering our baby and he was surprisingly gentle. At our first appointment we got to see the baby's heartbeat and that day we got to hear it!

The doctor had a handy device that was like a microphone on my stomach. It filled the room with the lovely should of our baby's heartbeat! The Dr. likened the slightly muffled but rapid sound to a train. With a huge smile on my face I could help but silently agree and wonder where I could get one of my own microphone devices for home....

chug-chug, chug-chug, chug-chug, chug-chug.....

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Baby Bump #1

So I've had a little trouble adjusting to all the changes I've been experiencing lately. So I thought it might might it easier on me to keep track of the changes and keep a sort of online journal of this whole baby process.

The first trimester has been a little rough and I'm glad that it's over! First, because we can now tell people about it and second because I hear it gets better in the second trimester!


Starting measurements on July 17, 2008 (day we found out)
WEIGHT: 110.2 lbs
WAIST: 26 inches



Gain as of September 6, 2008
WEIGHT: 2.8 lbs
WAIST: 1 inch

Friday, September 5, 2008

New York City

We just got back from our whirlwind NY trip! There was a lot to see and so little time. Among the things we covered were: The Natural History Museum, The Met, Central Park, Payard Bistro, shopping in SoHo where we saw into Dylan McDermott & Jean Reno, lunch at Serendipity, The World Trade Center, and NY Pizza in Brooklyn Heights! Here's a sampling of the photos we took...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Our 1st Appointment

I have to admit, that I practically held my breath all day until I saw that little heartbeat. In these early weeks it's just so hard to believe that there's really something growing inside of you.

Yes, you feel your body changing and the nausea is a constant reminder that something is going on... But there's nothing quite like seeing that obscure image for the first time, with that tiny, rapid, pulsating section somewhere in the middle. I almost cried... until my hubby said "There's our little alien!"

Monday, July 28, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

I still can't believe it's been 7 years that we've been married and 6 years since the wedding!

Time flies and the wedding day was such a blur... But what wonderful memories we have made so far!

Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wait For It

This has been one jam-packed summer! July was another busy month... First, we had a great 4th of July in Carmel! It was a long drive and a short trip but it was so nice to get away.

Then, since it was a short trip and we didn't get as much quality time as I would've liked with my family, my sister and her family were nice enough to come down to visit us a week later. As usual their visits are memorables ones. This time it was because....

We introduced them to Red Mango!

Ok, just kidding! Although the wonderfulness of Red Mango is reason to celebrate, this wasn't really why their trip was memorable =)

On this day we found out that we have a "little nudger" on the way! (Yes, I'm such a Twilighter!)

It was surprising but pleasant news. My sister was definitely shocked and didn't react until she saw the indicator stick. After I recovered from her screaming in my ear, together we schemed on how to break the news to my hubby.

He had a bad day at work and I told him I got him a couple of things to cheer him up, one was his favorite candy and the other, well you'll see... Here's the video of his reaction, which we we like to call "Wait For it..."

Here's a transcription, in case you have trouble hearing it...

V: Oh it's in the shape of it..yay!

B: It's not for me

M: You don't think it's for you?

V: You said a couple of things!

M: Did you see the other one?

B: It's not for Andre either.

V: There's another one?

J: What's in your hand Vince? What is that?...What's that other thing?

V: I see this one.

J: Ya but what's the other one?

V: It's a pacifier....ok, it's a pacifier....I'm lost....I seriously am lost....Wait a minute! Why is there a pacifier?!!!

B: Jean and I are having a baby! No I'm just kiddng!

V: You're making me sweat!...Ah that's why...I thought you were looking at pictures!

B: That's why we're filming...

M: Are you ok?

V: Why'd you get me like that?...Are you really?

M: Ya

V: How many tests did u take?

M: Two

V: Ok you can stop filming!

J: Vince it's positve...it's positive

B: It turned blue!

J: Are you happy Vince?

V: I'm blushing

J: Are you happy Vince?

V: I'm stoked...I'm so stoked...are you serious?

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hi, my name is Len and I'm a Twilight Series Addict...

This series has taken over my life with...

What began as a pet project has turned into huge, ranked #5, Twilight fansite!

This is why I have unfortunately not been updating my blog. We are hoping to find more help with the site soon. I do hope to update again soon since there is a lot going on in our lives right now!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Busy, but fun-filled month!

My what an event filled month! I haven't posted in awhile due to 2 vacations in one month. The first was our Memorial weekend trip to Disneyland with my sister's family. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of that event, since I ended up with a horrible cold that weekend and it went by in a blurry fog of medication. I do remember, the few times I was "awake", enjoying everyone's company...it's always great to see Billy, Jean and Andre...and also spend fun time with my hubby. I'll also never forget that this was the weekend that we made Twilight converts out of Billy & Jean (evil laugh). More on that on a later post!

After, returning from the Disneyland trip, I had 2 and half days to get better and prepare for our Yosemite trip. I barely got well enough to make it to Yosemite and somehow pushed myself to go on a 5 mile uphill hike, bike 13 miles for 5 hrs and go stargazing. Chris and Chrissie joining us was certainly a lot of motivation! We had so much fun and the experience was so much more since we got to share it with them...Yosemite newbies! When we got home at 4 am on Monday, I crashed for the next 2-3 days. It was worth it though and here are a selection of pictures to prove it!

Yosemite Deer

Vince inside a giant sequoia

View of Yosemite Valley

Me and the hubby

Yosemite Falls during our 5 mile uphill hike

1 of 3 bears we saw

Me & Chrissie

Mirror Lake

Yosemite Falls

Friday, May 9, 2008

Birthday Thanks!

This is my last birthday post, I promise! I just wanted to send some thanks...

To my hubby, for the time you sacrificed and for the thought you put into celebrating with me and just your overall enthusiasm and love.

Mama, for thinking about me so much and for your generousity in your gifts as well as many things that you've done for me.

To Chris, Chrissie & Mom...thank you so much for the DVD! Can't wait to watch it!

To all my other friends and family who took time out of your busy days to email or call to greet me!

Last but not least, to my sister Jean, who's so thoughtful and sent me the cutest stuff in the mail as well as a book! I'm not one to toot my own horn but I did appreciate the descriptive post she put on her blog for my birthday.

Thanks so much from this worrisome, fastidious, French-speaking/German engineering/human calculating/dog whispering baby sister!

Let them eat cupcake!

My husband was generous enough to extend my birthday to two days! He reasearched and made enough calls to track down the book we looked for on my birthday. He found it at the Barnes and Nobles in Burbank, which conveniently is located nearby a cupcake place we frequent when we are able to....Yummy Cupcakes...and that's the name of the place, not an enthusiastic description of how they taste!

Happy Birthday to me!

Wednesday morning, after I spoke to my sister about my plans to celebrate, she enthusiastically reminded me to bring a camera. Normally I'm not the avid picture taker at events, but this time I realized..."Great idea! Pictures for my blog!" So, my hubby and I spent most of the day reading aloud together...well actually I do all the reading, but I've found that this is something I really enjoy doing! Anyhow, this was followed by our in town search of a book I've been wanting, Marie Antoinette The Journey. We were unsuccessful...so there was nothing picture worthy for most of the day. We decided later in the day to go to one of our favorite fine dining restaurants Maru Sushi. This place is not your typical Sushi establishment. The have a market fresh menu, execute french cooking techniques and make their own ice cream.

We were eager for the food to arrive since we knew how well presented it always is. As we waited hungrily for our food we took the time to remind each other to not eat the food until after we took photos. Unfortunately, despite the reminders we still completely forgot. We immediaetly ruined the appearance of our delicious dishes...Petit Filet with Soy-Espresso Sauce on top of Parsnip Puree and Snap Peas, as well as Seared Divers' Scallop over Creamy Risotto with oven roasted Heirloom Tomatoes, finished with a warm verjus-olive vinaigrette. Hopefully these descriptions convey how exquiste the food was, since the half eaten photos would not have done them justice.

We hoped to have better luck with dessert, reminding ourselves again and even placing the camera in the middlle of the table. Amazingly enough, we made the same mistake again! We did have slightly better luck though in modifying our mistake enough to take a photo of one of the desserts:

We were able to turn the plate a little to hide where we began eating it. The other dessert, bread pudding cooked in a ramekin so that it was both crunchy AND soft, and also topped with ice cream, was not so lucky. In my defense, I'm very new to the blogging world and it has not become routine for me to document everything!

Anyhow, the meal was a nice end to my day! And I hope I'll get better soon at this whole blogging thing!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Diaper cake...the kind you don't eat.

In putting together this blog, I realized that this would also be a great way to share and archive things that I've created or worked on that I'm proud of and really enjoyed in the process.

Here's my first one, a diaper cake that I made awhile ago for a friend's baby shower. I worked really hard on it and I think it turned out even better than I had hoped. Let me know what you think!

Jane Austen's Comeback

I couldn't help but notice how Jane Austen's popularity is still strong in our modern times. I just realized it after watching "Becoming Jane" last night, and watching the most recent movie adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice" the week before, and then coming across the movie title "The Jane Austen Book Club" on a website. There is even the bollywood production "Bride & Prejudice"! Anyhow, just an observation that made me pick up Pride & Prejudice again and immerse myself in Austen's amazing writing.

"You have bewitched me body & soul."

I also love the ending of this movie; so sweet and romantic. It reminded me of the ending in Sixteen Candles. I especially like that they don't actually kiss until the very end. Here's a clip if you want a recap of that final scene:

Hmmm, I think I'll have the hubby start calling me goddess divine...

A night on the town.

Going out to eat...definitely one of our favorite past times. We jumped at the chance to go out to dinner with my husbands brother and wife, to repay her for doing our taxes for us. The place we went to was Vertical Wine Bistro. A tapas wine bar that was dangerously located at the top a steep flight of steps.

We had such a good time, with great company, conversation and food. We all enjoyed our wine, which was french so of course delicieux! We had grilled cheese sandwiches that were not the kind that we're all used to. It was made with blue cheese and raisin walnut bread! So good, as were their scallops...one of the best I've tasted!

Look before you pour!

Don't you love how we don't have to open cartons the old-fashioned way anymore? Now there's a handy pour spout with a twist off cap. A husband who shall remain nameless, did notice the one drawback to this modern convenience. He very seriously stated that "It's hard to pour the juice when the spout is still sealed." He often entertains me with his comments and actions that he doesn't intend to be funny!