Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Sweet Vibrations

Yesterday we had a doctor appointment and we're happy to report that the baby's doing good. We were so concerned up until that point because of the late nights and stress we've been undergoing. What a relief to hear his heart beat and have the doctor tell us that I'm progressing well! My weight gain was on the lower range, but all within normal. He told us the baby is about 1 lb and stretched out he would be 11-12 inches!

We had also been concerned about the baby moving and talked to the doctor about this. With his help we discovered that we've been feeling the baby move all this time! What I thought had been digestion was actually the baby, since the doctor pointed out that my stomach had been moved to above my belly button. I was so overjoyed that the waves and bumps I've been feeling was our little boy. The doctor also told us that a good time to feel movement is after a meal...and almost to reassure us, after lunch that day, we felt several strong nudges from him!


M. said...

I'm pleased to receive this news. Yes, as the baby grows the more he will be moving. It will be a joy to know that he is healthy and so are you. What a joy! to have this beautiful bundle of joy to come as a new addition to our family. We will see you all soon (this Thanksgiving). God bless to all of yoou.

Love, Mama

M. said...

Len dear,
I'm pleased to know that the baby is doing well, and so are you. Please keep in mind that the baby feels your joy, as well as your other emotions; being a happy mother brings happiness to all. The more the baby grows, the more he will move. What a joy! to know that you and the baby are both doing well. Praise be to God for providing many good blessings in life and this baby is one of the special blessings you have received from God who gives abundantly. Love always, Mama - thank you for sharing this with me.

Jean M said...

You need to get more rest and ease off of the stressful activities! Glad to hear that baby is doing well, though.