Thursday, July 17, 2008

Wait For It

This has been one jam-packed summer! July was another busy month... First, we had a great 4th of July in Carmel! It was a long drive and a short trip but it was so nice to get away.

Then, since it was a short trip and we didn't get as much quality time as I would've liked with my family, my sister and her family were nice enough to come down to visit us a week later. As usual their visits are memorables ones. This time it was because....

We introduced them to Red Mango!

Ok, just kidding! Although the wonderfulness of Red Mango is reason to celebrate, this wasn't really why their trip was memorable =)

On this day we found out that we have a "little nudger" on the way! (Yes, I'm such a Twilighter!)

It was surprising but pleasant news. My sister was definitely shocked and didn't react until she saw the indicator stick. After I recovered from her screaming in my ear, together we schemed on how to break the news to my hubby.

He had a bad day at work and I told him I got him a couple of things to cheer him up, one was his favorite candy and the other, well you'll see... Here's the video of his reaction, which we we like to call "Wait For it..."

Here's a transcription, in case you have trouble hearing it...

V: Oh it's in the shape of it..yay!

B: It's not for me

M: You don't think it's for you?

V: You said a couple of things!

M: Did you see the other one?

B: It's not for Andre either.

V: There's another one?

J: What's in your hand Vince? What is that?...What's that other thing?

V: I see this one.

J: Ya but what's the other one?

V: It's a pacifier....ok, it's a pacifier....I'm lost....I seriously am lost....Wait a minute! Why is there a pacifier?!!!

B: Jean and I are having a baby! No I'm just kiddng!

V: You're making me sweat!...Ah that's why...I thought you were looking at pictures!

B: That's why we're filming...

M: Are you ok?

V: Why'd you get me like that?...Are you really?

M: Ya

V: How many tests did u take?

M: Two

V: Ok you can stop filming!

J: Vince it's's positive

B: It turned blue!

J: Are you happy Vince?

V: I'm blushing

J: Are you happy Vince?

V: I'm stoked...I'm so stoked...are you serious?


michelle said...

We had to watch it one more time. : ) We're so HAPPY for you both!!! Vince, this is a classic - it's a keeper! We love you and miss you dearly. Take care!
Your sis and bro in Michigan. : )

michelle said...

Oops, now you must delete this for now... Our heartfelt thank you for sharing this wonderful moment with us. We're so excited!

michelle said...

It's official!!! Now we can scream for joy at the top of our lungs! We are going to be an auntie and uncle again! Happy, happy, joy, joy...

Len said...

YAAYYYYY! It's been so hard keeping this in!

Jean M said...

This is one of the funniest videos ever! Vince's reaction is just classic.

Anonymous said...

sooo tempted to screencap vince's eyes nearly popping out of his head in surprise. lol
congrats you two!!!

Ethel said...

WOOHOO! Len's gonna be a mommy! Vince you are soooo funny! Anyways, like I said on my email... I HAD to watch the youtube video twice to make sure I wasn't being punk'ed. When is the "little nudger" due?

Len said...

I never tire of this video! Such a great idea Jean =)

Thanks Law! You know I screen capped it! lol

Ethel, know what you mean, I didn't quite believe it myself when I took the test! Anyhoo, it's looking like it'll come March-April! Hey BTW didn't know you read the Twilight series! NICE! Have you seen our site? =)

Unknown said...

That reaction was soooo Vince!!!

Thank you for posting it and congratulations!!! Like I said on Youtube, it's about time...

Do we know if it's going to be an Edward or a Bella....

I guess we just have to wait and find out.....

Anonymous said...

The GASP is missing from the transcript, lolol. What we should have gotten on video was mom's reaction too. I swear, like mother like son.

Michelle said...

Congratulations, Marilen! What wonderful news. I love Vince's reaction and his obvious joy. I hope you enjoy this journey of pregnancy. The nine months can feel like a long time, but once your baby is born, time will fly by!

MamaBoncx said...

CONGRATULATIONS!!!! Thanks so much for sharing this video. Even though Vince may be a little embarrassed, this video is priceless!