Tuesday, October 14, 2008

The news we've been waiting for!

Today was our ultrasound and 3rd baby appointment. As usual I mentally ran through my head all the questions I had for the appointments, such as whether flu shots were okay and when my due date was...but mostly my thoughts were consumed with finding out what we were having. It's something that has been lingering intensely on mine and the hubby's mind, especially the last couple days. We were both nervous and anxious to find out if everything looked normal and to finally know what we were having.

My nerves must have really gotten to me today, because as I laid down and the technician prepared me for the ultrasound she asked me a question when my mind was elsewhere. She asked me "What's your birth date?" Without thinking I sadly said "I don't know, no one ever told me." She looked at me oddly and said "Wow, I've never heard that response before" My hubby shook his head and tried to restrain his laugh as he said "No, she's not asking for the baby's birth date, she means what's your birth date." I was so embarrassed! But it was such a relief to laugh about it since I was just so glad that this day was here.

It wasn't long before we could see how much more developed the baby was. It was so amazing! And I began to tear up seeing the spine, marveling at the hands moving up to it's face, and then mistaking it's stomach for it's head. Soon the technician found the angle the made it clear that we were having...a boy!

without a doubt!

front view

baby's profile

arms, fingers, legs and toes!

As we wrapped up the appointment he began to hiccup...and it was so cute that tears welled up again. As amazing as that was, it wasn't the biggest moment for me...it was after we finished up with the doctor, who told us the ultrasound showed that everything looked normal. We were walking to the car and I was holding my stomach...the hubby was referring to the baby as our boy and I said "Our son" and we both stopped and looked at each other. We were in such awe and I felt so God blessed that I really began to cry.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Baby Bump #2

It's true what they say that second trimester is better! So much less nausea and pain. The headaches are still brutal though when they do come around and I do still get tired more easily, but I'm much more adapted to my body changing now.

It's still difficult though...on some days my hormones do make me a little more foolishly sensitive. I've been noticing lately that when I sit down, especially on the couch, my belly looks so much bigger. So the other night, the hubby and I were on the couch and I lifted up my shirt to look at my belly. The hubby looked over and laughed! He was actually overwhelmingly enthused that you could see the growth of my pregnancy. But at the time I was thinking "How dare you laugh at your pregnant wife who has been struggling with her weight gain!" I soon realized that it wasn't a big deal and I should be used to his candid reactions by now!


Starting measurements on July 17, 2008 (day we found out)
WEIGHT: 110.2 lbs
WAIST: 26 inches



Gain as of October 7, 2008
WEIGHT: 5.6 lbs
WAIST: 2.5 inches


Now that we're at 16 weeks, I've been anxiously awaiting two things:

First, to feel the baby move, which can happen between 16-18 weeks. There are days when I hardly believe that I'm pregnant...and I just know that feeling that movement will confirm it more for me.

Second, to find out if we're having a Renesmee or Carlie (Yes, another Twilght reference..lol) Less than one week and we should know! Yes, we all just want a healthy baby, but just for fun, do you guys have your guesses or wishes on what it will be? I for one am hoping for a boy, but have a feeling that it's a girl!

We'll post it when we find out!