Sunday, June 22, 2008

Hi, my name is Len and I'm a Twilight Series Addict...

This series has taken over my life with...

What began as a pet project has turned into huge, ranked #5, Twilight fansite!

This is why I have unfortunately not been updating my blog. We are hoping to find more help with the site soon. I do hope to update again soon since there is a lot going on in our lives right now!

Monday, June 9, 2008

Busy, but fun-filled month!

My what an event filled month! I haven't posted in awhile due to 2 vacations in one month. The first was our Memorial weekend trip to Disneyland with my sister's family. Unfortunately, I don't have pictures of that event, since I ended up with a horrible cold that weekend and it went by in a blurry fog of medication. I do remember, the few times I was "awake", enjoying everyone's's always great to see Billy, Jean and Andre...and also spend fun time with my hubby. I'll also never forget that this was the weekend that we made Twilight converts out of Billy & Jean (evil laugh). More on that on a later post!

After, returning from the Disneyland trip, I had 2 and half days to get better and prepare for our Yosemite trip. I barely got well enough to make it to Yosemite and somehow pushed myself to go on a 5 mile uphill hike, bike 13 miles for 5 hrs and go stargazing. Chris and Chrissie joining us was certainly a lot of motivation! We had so much fun and the experience was so much more since we got to share it with them...Yosemite newbies! When we got home at 4 am on Monday, I crashed for the next 2-3 days. It was worth it though and here are a selection of pictures to prove it!

Yosemite Deer

Vince inside a giant sequoia

View of Yosemite Valley

Me and the hubby

Yosemite Falls during our 5 mile uphill hike

1 of 3 bears we saw

Me & Chrissie

Mirror Lake

Yosemite Falls