Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Putting a face to the name...

We finally settled on our son's name this month...it's Tristan Cullen! I was originally against having a middle name, but I realized he just HAD to have some part of Twilight in his name. It just wouldn't be right if we didn't since the Twilight Series has been a huge part of our lives during this pregnancy...it brought me an the hubby closer together, our fansite TwilightersAnonymous.com has blown up, we met Taylor Lautner and T.C. kicked up a storm at all the commotion at the Twilight Premier!

While settling on a name was very exciting, we were even more thrilled when we decided to go in for some 4D video & pictures and get a glimpse of what Tristan will look like. We had this done during the holidays so that both of our immediate families could participate and see the images on big screen. Here's a selection of my favorite pictures:

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Baby Bump #3

I was originally planning to post these very 4 weeks, but I got so busy I forgot to do it at 20 weeks. Since 2 months have passed instead of just one...at least this time you guys will see a difference in the pictures!

It seems like my belly came out of nowhere. At 20 weeks, still nothing, then suddenly at 22 weeks I started showing more. Then at 24 weeks, there was no mistaking that I was pregnant. Although it's an adjustment being bigger, it's nice to finally "feel" pregnant by showing and by the regular kicks I've been getting.


Starting measurements on July 17, 2008 (day we found out)
WEIGHT: 110.2 lbs
WAIST: 26 inches



Gain as of November 22, 2008
WEIGHT: 16 lbs


Anyways sorry for posting these late, I'm actually already at 26 weeks. It'll be interesting to post my 28 weeks pictures since I'm already much bigger than these pictures. I finally had to borrow and purchase pregnancy pants. That's been an experience, they're not the most comfortable things, but at least you don't have to worry about zipping and buttoning your pants!