Saturday, April 12, 2008

Jane Austen's Comeback

I couldn't help but notice how Jane Austen's popularity is still strong in our modern times. I just realized it after watching "Becoming Jane" last night, and watching the most recent movie adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice" the week before, and then coming across the movie title "The Jane Austen Book Club" on a website. There is even the bollywood production "Bride & Prejudice"! Anyhow, just an observation that made me pick up Pride & Prejudice again and immerse myself in Austen's amazing writing.

"You have bewitched me body & soul."

I also love the ending of this movie; so sweet and romantic. It reminded me of the ending in Sixteen Candles. I especially like that they don't actually kiss until the very end. Here's a clip if you want a recap of that final scene:

Hmmm, I think I'll have the hubby start calling me goddess divine...


Jean M said...

You nailed one of the best lines! Keep it comin'!

Vince said...

Can't wait to watch the movie again. I think for me, because of the Jane Austen's style of writing and dialogue, it takes twice to really sink in.

I really like their banter and wit. Although Darcy could've shown a bit more interest to Elizabeth, their chemistry conveyed well.

Can't wait to read the book too. From what you've said, it's also very different.