Saturday, April 12, 2008

Diaper cake...the kind you don't eat.

In putting together this blog, I realized that this would also be a great way to share and archive things that I've created or worked on that I'm proud of and really enjoyed in the process.

Here's my first one, a diaper cake that I made awhile ago for a friend's baby shower. I worked really hard on it and I think it turned out even better than I had hoped. Let me know what you think!

Jane Austen's Comeback

I couldn't help but notice how Jane Austen's popularity is still strong in our modern times. I just realized it after watching "Becoming Jane" last night, and watching the most recent movie adaptation of "Pride & Prejudice" the week before, and then coming across the movie title "The Jane Austen Book Club" on a website. There is even the bollywood production "Bride & Prejudice"! Anyhow, just an observation that made me pick up Pride & Prejudice again and immerse myself in Austen's amazing writing.

"You have bewitched me body & soul."

I also love the ending of this movie; so sweet and romantic. It reminded me of the ending in Sixteen Candles. I especially like that they don't actually kiss until the very end. Here's a clip if you want a recap of that final scene:

Hmmm, I think I'll have the hubby start calling me goddess divine...

A night on the town.

Going out to eat...definitely one of our favorite past times. We jumped at the chance to go out to dinner with my husbands brother and wife, to repay her for doing our taxes for us. The place we went to was Vertical Wine Bistro. A tapas wine bar that was dangerously located at the top a steep flight of steps.

We had such a good time, with great company, conversation and food. We all enjoyed our wine, which was french so of course delicieux! We had grilled cheese sandwiches that were not the kind that we're all used to. It was made with blue cheese and raisin walnut bread! So good, as were their of the best I've tasted!

Look before you pour!

Don't you love how we don't have to open cartons the old-fashioned way anymore? Now there's a handy pour spout with a twist off cap. A husband who shall remain nameless, did notice the one drawback to this modern convenience. He very seriously stated that "It's hard to pour the juice when the spout is still sealed." He often entertains me with his comments and actions that he doesn't intend to be funny!